What are the S.A.S. (Societies for Simplified Shares) and what are its benefits?

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Simplified Stock Companies are a new type of company created by the Law to Support Entrepreneurial Capital. The objective of the creation of this new corporate type is to encourage and encourage entrepreneurial activity and investment in the country, giving them a more dynamic and flexible corporate type and with much less formalities than the Corporations (SA) and Limited Liability Companies (SRL).

Some of the benefits of S.A.S. are:

• It is faster, because if chosen by the Model Statute, it can be constituted in only 24 hours.
• It is simple and has a lower cost than S.A. and the S.R.L.
• The Statute can be signed digitally.
• It has a minimum capital of two vital and mobile minimum wages.
• It can be unipersonal and do not require a maximum number of members, that is, you do not need a partner to establish it.
• Together with the registration, you obtain the CUIT automatically.
• You will have the corporate and accounting records in digital format.

In Estudio Brusa & Asoc. We can access you in what is the best corporate type for the development of your venture, that is why if you are thinking of undertaking do not hesitate to consult us.