What is a patent and what are its benefits?

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A patent is essentially a right granted by the State to an inventor, empowering it to “prevent third parties from manufacturing, using or selling their invention”, for a certain period of time (in Argentina 20 years), provided that said invention and the application meet specific criteria.

An invention, to be susceptible to patent protection must meet certain criteria. Specifically, the invention must comprise a patentable material (that is, it must not be prohibited by law), it must be “new” (novel), it must have sufficient “inventive activity” (not be evident), it must be capable of industrial application (useful) and its disclosure in the patent application, must meet a number of conditions.

As we have mentioned before, the patent is valid for 20 years, so after the expiration of the term of the patent, the inventor loses that exclusive right with respect to the invention, therefore it will not be able to prevent more than the competitors Exploit your invention.

The protection of inventions through the patent has multiple benefits such as:

• Exclusivity in the exploitation of the invention, this means that competitors can be prevented from manufacturing, using and marketing the patented invention.
• Increase the market value of the patent holder.
• Obtain profits and income from the exploitation of the patent.
• Access new markets.
• Set a trend in the market.
• License the patent.

In Estudio Brusa & Asoc. We can access you in obtaining a patent and in the protection of your invention.